Compost & Bio-Nutrients
Soil organic matter (SOM) remains a key concern in agriculture. World over research has shown that the soil organic matter needs to be at least 3 % for the soil to be reasonably healthy. However, most agricultural lands in India have SOM of less than 1 %. Cattle dung and leaves from plants are put up on the soil to decompose and this provides the much required organic matter to the soil. But over the last 3 decades, chemical fertilization has led to a wrong belief that organic matter is not important and chemical can provide answers for all problems of agriculture. Slowly, with yield decreasing farmers are realizing the importance of organic manure. However, most villagers do not have cattle now and hence availability of organic manure has become a major issue. Hence Magasool is setting up Vermicomposting units to supply high density, ready to apply, compact, bagged organic manure to farmers that will help in increasing soil organic matter and improving fertility of the soil.
The Vermicomposting unit in Parameswaramangalam village, Kanchipuram district produces 8 tons of Vermicomposting per month and will serve around 200 farmers in the region. A similar unit operates in Cuddalore.